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National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

NAPA is a strategic tool to assess climatic vulnerability, and systematically respond to climate change adaptation issues by developing appropriate adaptation measures. The Nepal NAPA report is structured according to decision 29/CP.7 and the guidance and annotated guidelines developed by the Least Developed Countries' Expert Group (LEG).

climate change policy 2011

Climate change is a natural phenomenon. Anthropogenic climate change has been accelerated by the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), primarily from industrialization, deforestation and increased use of fossil fuels for transport. Scientific evidence, as cited by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), clearly indicates the wide scale of climate change. Accordingly, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to develop an international legal instrument to address this global problem.

Dialogue and Consultation on Climate Change Policy

  Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Center (NCCKMC) successfully organized the Policy Dialogue and Consultation on Climate Change on January 4 in Kathmandu. Minister for Science and Technology Ms Kalpana Dhamala declared the opening of the program amidst a special gathering witnessed by over 130 participants who represented 33 institutions working with climate change issues.

Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Opportunities to include agorbiodiversity maintenance to support Nepal's National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

The agriculture and food security issues of Nepal are deemed vulnerable to the impact of climate change. This report “Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Opportunities to include agrobiodiversity maintenance to support Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)” is an attempt to ensure a role for agrobiodiversity in Nepal’s NAPA. The analysis reviewed the context of climate change and agrobiodiversity in Nepal.

Nepal Thematic Assessment Report on Climate Change

This is one of the six reports produced under the National Capacity Self-Assessment for Global Environment Management project. It discusses the national obligations and opportunities for Nepal under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; overview on the status on climate change (GHG inventory, climate change vulnerability and adaptation; impacts, and national initiatives) and a review of capacity building efforts.