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The Climate Change and Development Portal serves as a gateway to climate change knowledge, opportunities, people, organizations, and networks. It serve as a starting point for conducting research on climate change topics, networking, and coordination with individuals and institutions doing work in climate change.

It was developed by the Ministry of Environment as part of the expanded National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) process in Nepal with support from the Danish Agency for International Development (DANIDA), UK Department for International Development (DFID), Global Environment Facility (GEF), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nepal. The portal is being managed by Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Center at Nepal Academy of Science adn Technology (NAST)

Portal Content and Functions

The portal various themes like climate science, impacts, adaptation planning (tools, methodologies, case studies, and best practices), adaptation policy and actions, international climate change policy, financing and technology transfer etc. This will eventually expand as the portal's community of content providers and users grow overtime.

The portal's information architecture is organized around its four key functions - research, coordinate, discuss, and announce. The portal has a customized content management system that will allow users to access and share content easily.


The portal is kept dynamic, current, and relevant by the community of content providers and users it. The primary content providers are registered individual users and members of the Climate Change Knowledge Partnership – a network of government agencies, universities, research, and training institutes, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations that are committed to increase access to climate change knowledge, training, tools, expertise, and experiences. Knowledge partners will be able to upload and manage their own content to the portal and retain copyright over their materials.