REDD and Forestry

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Methodology for Improved Forest Management

The purpose of this report is to document conformance of the Improved Forest Management Conversion of Logged to Protected Forests v3-2 methodology with the requirements of the Voluntary Carbon Standard 2007.1 (VCS). This assessment was requested by GreenCollar Climate Solutions, hereafter referred to as the “Methodology Developer”. The report represents the first assessment of the VCS double approval process.

Carbon Sequestration in Schima‐Castanopsis Forest: A Case Study from Palpa District

Forests are natural carbon sink and play an important role in sequestrating the atmospheric carbon into biomass and soil. Estimation of total biomass and soil carbon sequestered in any forest is very important as it gives ecological and economic benefits to the local people. Schima‐Castanopsis forests were selected for the study in Palpa district with the objectives of quantifying the total carbon sequestration, and evaluation of aspect and elevation on carbon storage. Stratified random sampling method was used for assessing biomass.