Pilot Project-District Climate and Energy Plans

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The rapid development of renewable energy systems and to address climate change issues can only be achieved through careful planning. Thus, a systematic approach needs to be developed towards decentralized energy planning that can contribute in climate change issues as well. Considering this, AEPC has proceeded the piloting of DCEPs in three districts. This plan will carefully consider the prospects of climate change adaptation and mitigation opportunities in renewable energy sector. The DCEP process will look at the institutional set up of the district in relation to dissemination of renewable energy technologies (RETs) and make recommendations about what systems, processes and organisational arrangements need to be adjusted to improve dissemination of RETs and provide strong links to climate change activities and to mainstream gender and social inclusion issues. DCEP will provide an inventory of district energy resources to identify the most appropriate actions, opportunities and interventions required for increasing access to RETs and contribute to climate change adaptation.

for specific information on the project please contact Mr. Ranjan Parajuli, Program officer-DCEP at ranjan.parajuli@aepc.gov.np